Gerald Clabots

Active Member
I am in the process of installing my exhaust hangers and even after I tighten the clamps I can still turn them in the hose. Wondering what others have done to keep them from moving.
Gerry 7A

How much force do you need to apply to make them move? Is this movement rotational or can you actually move the rod in and out of the hose?

The hose is there to allow for vibration, so any movement will occur within the hose first. My hangars were really tight even before I clamped everything together, but then again what I consider tight may be like how you consider things being able to move.

The exhaust pipes at the hangars do not exert much force on the hangars. Its just that if you do not have those hoses, things tend to crack due to vibration.

Hope this helps. If all else fails, give Larry Vetterman a call. Heck of a nice guy and I am sure he will steer you straight.
