Matt Black

I'm New Here
Hi guys first post to VAF.

Iv started on building some sports wings for the rocket. I optioned for the 55gal fuel tank option from Harmon. I received everything last week with hr2 plans.

I?m just looking for information on the 55gal. Has anybody done this on there own wings. Harmon only supply plans for 42gal tanks. I mainly just would like to know leading edge rib spacing on the tank and oble area as there are lighting holes in the main spar right where I need to put my w-408 rib.

Any information would be muchly appreciated.
The tank construction is same as 42 gal. except will require more ribs and additional plate riveted to spar which is about 12 inches, the lightening hole is not a factor use angle support on rib to attach w 408 to spar . Order additional ribs , #8 screws and nut plates along with more pro seal . Use 42 gal rib spacing as guide you probably will have a closer spacing , use skin supplied as guide for placing w-408 rib. Good decision for large tanks, the ones I?ve built will typically hold just a little over 56gal.
Regards, Jerry Scott
John told me that reversing the end caps (flanges in) will get you a bit more capacity. Do it right and you can get 58+.
John told me that reversing the end caps (flanges in) will get you a bit more capacity. Do it right and you can get 58+.
Hotel Whiskey

Hi guys first post to VAF.

Iv started on building some sports wings for the rocket. I optioned for the 55gal fuel tank option from Harmon. I received everything last week with hr2 plans.

I’m just looking for information on the 55gal. Has anybody done this on there own wings. Harmon only supply plans for 42gal tanks. I mainly just would like to know leading edge rib spacing on the tank and oble area as there are lighting holes in the main spar right where I need to put my w-408 rib.

Any information would be muchly appreciated.

G'Day Matt,
Here's another option.
Twenty Five years ago, I was serving in the military and building my RV4 alongside fellow squadron mates/ RV4 builders “Hollywood and Cheese.” They decided the RV4 fuel capacity (32 gal) was lacking for longer cross country fights and started brainstorming a solution. They engineered aux tanks which utilize the leading edge lightening holes and wingtip space to add 8.2 gallons of fuel (HR2 10gal). They can be left empty for local flying or aerobatics with feed valves closed. Or when filled, feed valves opened and gravity/air pressure fed on longer flights or if cheap fuel is purchased.

I bought their first set of commercial ER tanks for my RV4 (later my RVX and HR2) and arguably was the best investment/improvement decision I made. The HR2 tanks (and the other two as well) fit and function perfectly, are not difficult to install, don't alter the original wing design structure or loading and add just under 10lbs to the EW.
This increased my HR2 fuel capacity from 42 to 52 Gallons, which proved an easy 1000NM at Max Range Cruise.

Their business is Hotel Whiskey Aviation linked below. Shoot them an email, their products, advice and service are first rate. Worth a look.
Fair Dinkum

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Wings are coming along nicely

Wings are coming along nicely this is how i decided to attach 408 rib over the lighting hole. angle on both sided of the spar web and a 40th spacer in between. all cherry max together
