
Well Known Member
I was one of the 49 pilots in the mass formation over the Raiders-Chiefs football game a couple of weeks ago. My wife and I flew the RV-7 out from Maryland a little early for the event. Attached is a link to a web log of our six day trip. I took a lot of photos but the web log also includes great pics others took. Enjoy. Link

Excellent job! Thanks for giving us a view into the preparations and execution of this awesome feat.
Formation Documentation

In the remarks column of my log book, I list the names of the other pilots in my formation. Uh oh.
Nice write-up!

Thanks for sharing your write-up!
It was fun to relive the event.

And thanks for flying a good lead for hotel flight.

If you had told me 2-1/2 years ago that someday I'd be flying on your wing in a 49 ship formation I would have thought you were crazy!!

Mark (Drone)
Relivin' it

Great write up Bill. You have a couple of pix I haven't seen yet also.

Has anyone seen any pix with all 49 on the runway from an aerial point of view?