Ron B.

Well Known Member
It's been a while, do I need to register my new aircraft to get my 24 bit hex code in order to purchase my ELT from Van's?
Man I wish I had a memory.
Thanks Ron
Not sure about areas north of the US but the newer ELTs here require registration.

EDIT: Disregard my answer. Our registration is require post-purchase. Curious about the hex code requirement, however.
Found my answer. I have my registration marks reserved and came across the document and it has my hex code on it.
hex code

Hey Ron, you are correct. The Transport Canada registration gives you the code. You'll need that to register a 406 ELT also (I just did my RV10 recently).
RV10 completed but not test flown (I'm in warmer climes til April) :)
hex code

Ron almost forgot, if you are putting a G3X in that RV14, you need to input the code for it as well. The G3X won't accept Canadian registrations, only American and/or the hex code.