
Well Known Member
Just in case anybody missed it, the 2013 Pine Bluff Arkansas FFI formation clinic is the weekend of November 15-17. Come fly with us. More details on the main VAF calendar and yahoo group. I'm looking for new people that are motivated to commit to a fun weekend of training. I get asked surprisingly often what the cost is. Very little. Your own expenses, a few bucks for dinner and a lot of motivation. Nobody is getting paid anything.

A few pictures from last year:

Serious business here. I think we were looking at Falcon's tricycle pictures.

A rare occurrence of all aircraft on the ground. You can bet that at least two or three flights were briefing when this picture was taken.

Giddyup! 150' wide runway means we should be launching four abreast. Must have been Tanya flying, because I don't get to fly "my" airplane at any time during formation clinics these days. I'm just safety pilot in chief.

For people that have never done it before, come on in, the water is fine. It is possible to work really hard, have a huge commitment to safety AND have a ton of fun at the same time.
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We're In !!!

I'm going to beat BeeGee to it.

<<<<<<<<<< KC Flight is in!!! >>>>>>>>>>
