Larry DeCamp

Well Known Member
I am planning another -3 project and would like do a razorback. I love my smoke colored Todd's canopy on my -3B. The website referenced on Todds did not respond. So, where can I get a conopy that can be coordinated with a razorback config ???
I am planning another -3 project and would like do a razorback. I love my smoke colored Todd's canopy on my -3B. The website referenced on Todds did not respond. So, where can I get a conopy that can be coordinated with a razorback config ???

Todd and some family members passed away in a mooney earlier this year. I doubt his business will ever reopen unless it's purchased or he has a son to take it up.

I'm not sure if you made any progress in contacting Cavu Canopies - an old Thread.

I purchased Cavu cleaning products through Air Craft Spruce sometime ago. They may be a lead on the canopy :cool: