
Well Known Member
Hello all!

Can someone please tell me what is the difference between:

VENT SV-1 and VENT SV-10?

Picture of SV-1 is available at VANs online store. It is on backorder though.

I am trying to source two more SV-1 type vents to install in the tailcone for overhead ventilation and hope that SV-10 is similar to SV-1.

Also I found VENT SV-COMBO X2 which looks like in stock. However not clear what is included in this kit.

Thank you!
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I believe the SV-10 is the actual NACA Vent for the interior. If you are looking for the inlets (Scoops) the kit you referenced would come with two of them.

(2) NACA Vent Scoop
(2) Fresh Air Vent Adaptor
(1) Vent Hose - Black Flex Hose 2" x 6'
(4) Stainless Steel Hose Clamp AN737TW-66
Thank you Brandon. I will go ahead and order that kit. It’s listed as InStock so hopefully I will get all parts I need within single order.
An SV-10 has a flange on the outlet end as shown in this snip from the RV-10 manual.

I'm 99% certain that the SV-1 is a SV-10 without the flange, and 4 of the 5
photos of the SV-1 in the Vans store actually show an SV-10.

Suggest you check it with Vans.


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I'll confirm that SV-10 is a prefabricated assembly of the NACA duct and flange and is the part for RV-10 front air inlets.
Thank you!
It makes more sense now ;)
I ordered the kit: VENT SV-COMBO X2 so it should make my life easier.
Hope VANs store reflect correct stock status.
Me too

Perfect timing of your question. This is on my list of things I need to order and I am assembling an order right now.
I just got mine last week. Here is a photo of the contents of the kit.

What I could have done without was the 3 weeks (ordering to receiving) it took to get with all parts from my order in stock.


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this is to add rear vents for rear passengers correct?
In my case I added these two vents to feed air to my overhead console. It works great by the way, even on warm summer day (well as warm as it can be in Western Canada) I have enough fresh air to taxi and hold short with closed doors.
Thanks, just ordered and received my parts. Do you get enough flow with the slipstream of the prop blowing air in? I was wondering if a 12v fan would be needed. Guess not based on your experience here.