
Well Known Member
Having tried the vice grip dimpler with okay results, I decided to try modifying my DRDT-2 dimpler to allow dimpling things like the rear most holes in the rudder and elevator ribs. Here is what I came up with. It works pretty well, but if it were made of steel it would work even better since it would not flex at all. Is anyone interested in tackling this? I have one more suggested improvement to this tool if there is a welder or machinist in our midst.



That's actually pretty neat but Dan Checkoway gave me an easier way to do it....just bend the flange, dimple it, then bend it back :)

I know, I know....I slapped my head when he told me that too.

Incidentally, now that you bring it up, I can't say enough good things about the DRDT 2. I just dimpled my entire rudder skin yesterday (RV-7/9 style...8 style takes a little bit longer) in about 10 minutes.
good but . . .

I was familiar with that setup John, but remember my noise restriction issues (for others I build a lot at night after my wife has gone to bed.)
