
Well Known Member
Just when I thought Lycomings, etc., were expensive....check out this beautiful radial engine on a Murphy Moose, experimental! Unbelievable! The engine is built in Romania, and was incredible to see in person (at a hangar, Cedar Mills Marina, N. TX / Oklahoma border, Lake Texoma.

On the contrary. A new 200hp IO-360 from Vans is $33,500. A new 360hp M-14P is only $25,000.

The radial engines in general are fascinating up close. Then when the owner swings the engine out on the engine mounts I about fell over.
Engine - M14

The M14 makes the Lycontinentals look terrible pricewise, shows what a lack of money hungry lawyers can do. different engineering to what we are used to, but pretty smart when you learn about it. Re. swing out engine mounts, why do we all have longitudinal bolts through the firewall? Yaks definitely,and Sukhois I assume, use tongue type bolted connection at the firewall. Other points in M14 favour - 1. Supercharged giving even mixture distribution without fuel injection. 2. Altitude compensating carbie, meaning no manual leaning required. 3. Designed to run on poor quality fuel, no need for 100 octane.

Lets see if Van would put one on an RV-10....?

If you like nice engineering, look at the LOM inverted in-line engines from the Czech Rep. Cast magnesium crankcases, hemi heads, overhead valves, some supercharged, direct drive (but 'wrong' way), fuel injection standard, alt. comp. carbie again, excellent P/Wt ratio and again designed to develop rated power on 78 Octane fuel. Pity their marketing is non-existent, with prices comparable to Lyc. in the common HP range.

Cessna 190/195's also have a swing-a-way engine mount. First time I saw one I too was in awe and wondered why all aircraft aren't built like that.

As for a swing-a-way RV engine mount, all it takes is some steel, a tourch, and some skill, which I don't have. :D

Here is the radial I thought would be cool on the front of an RV now that they make a 150 hp version. I think it would make a -7 or -9 look a bit like a Spartan Exec from the 1930's.
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