Small update

Just a couple of photos,

As suggested by Dave, I enlarged the hole in the bottom aft skin. The skin will fit better, there will be no stresses from rubbing on the nut and more importantly, I can now fit a socket to install or remove the nut as needed for maintenace, repair or replacement.

I used a pack of 6 water bottles plus one extra that I had. Total weight 10.5 kilos, 23.1 pounds and no harm to the assembly. It was all more than stable enough to rivet the skin.

The rear fuselage bulkheads and the lower skin are now clecoed to each other and the side skins. Everything is in place for riveting the fuselage skins. However, I want to finish the fuel system lines and the brake system lines up front. It will be easier as the front fuselage skins are still removable.

Waiting for my fuel pump and the brake master cylinders to arrive.
Long time without an update!

Here's a December update:
This mod was stolen from elsewhere on this forum.
In the photo, on the left, is the fitting for receiving the brake line. I drilled a new hole in the forward part of the gear tower, making sure the fitting and brake line do not interfere with the yet uninstalled fuel lines. You can see the original hole to the right (or rear). I will install airfoiled Grove landing gears that have an internal conduit for the brake fluid. The fitting on the gear is aft, making it very difficult to join with the gear tower fitting if both are on the aft side. With the tower fitting on the front side, an easy looping line across to the aft side will join the 2. Pictures of this when the gear gets installed.

The left and right brake lines are done. They were supposed to enter the towers through the middle holes of the gear tower. But since I modified these to open them up and they will later be covered, the lines now go through the upper holes. Again, this idea was stolen here.

Inside the left tower.

The EFII (Electronic Fuel Injection & Ignition) Dual fuel pump module and filter.
The fuel flows from the line coming out the gear tower (on the right), then in the pump module, then up and in the filter and on through the firewall on the left.
The pump/filter module is bolted through the floor from underneath and it will be safety-wired since I can't properly torque because of rubber washers between the pump and floor to dampen vibrations.
On top is a 10 micron uncloggable filter, it will also be safety-wire bolted to the pump frame by an Adel-Clamp.
The EFII system requiring a full return line, it is running from the firewall, above the pump module directly through the gear tower.
Both firewall fittings, washers and nuts are steel instead of aluminum.

Both feed and return lines connected to the duplex valve.

Below the feed line is the new bulkhead fitting for the returning fuel passing through the left front side skin. Its placement will ease its connection to the return fitting on the tank. It also considers the not yet installed gascolator.

A view from inside of the fuel return and feed lines connected to the fuel selector.

To install the right tank fuel feed and return lines, I had to change the fuel selector's right side male AN6 fittings for these 90degree fittings to clear the mid-cabin brace.

Looking rearward, a close-up of the fuel lines running along the main bulkhead and exiting the right side front skin. The top line, exiting in the lower corner, will be returning fuel to the tank. The bottom line, going through the rubber grommet is the fuel feed line, installed as per original plans.

The whole view of the main bulkhead with the completed lines seen exiting the fuel selector.
Every line in the whole of the fuel system were hand made of course with, at times frustrating moments as many were unsatisfactory and scapped in the process and done again.
The most difficult was the right return line with its 9 bends as this is version #4...
Both lines are close together but not touching in the middle to clear part of the flight control system.
I will either tweak the lines further appart or put a thin rubber mat between them to prevent vibration chaffing.
It could look a little better as a fifth try would maybe produce a nicer result but I'm out of 3/16 tubing...
Long overdue update

This is a very long overdue update.

I had to slightly trim both side bottom gussets as I didn't consider them when installing my fuel return fittings...

The side and bottom fuselage skins are now riveted on. I can now say that I have an aluminum canoe!!!

An inside view of the fuselage and its installed seat back support.

Working on the front bottom skins.

This is a significant modification subsequent to the installation of the EFII fuel pump. The pump will later be safety bolted to the left front floor panel from the bottom. Therefore, to get to the bolts in case of pump maintenance or removal, I decided to fabricate an access panel. After cutting the access, the bottom panel is fitted to check if all looks ok. The opening seems large as there will be a doubler sticking in 1/2 inch all around.

The doubler is drilled, dimpled and ready for platenuts. The assembly is fitted to the floor, checking that the access to the bolts is ok.

It's always stressful to modify a perfectly good, original part and it will always induce more time and often more money. I'm happy with the result of this modification. Isn't what homebuilding is all about?

The cockpit floors and rear baggage floor are all ready for installation. This will have to wait for the Canadian inspection and the joining of the wings.

The seat backs are installed just for fun. Aircraft noise anyone?

The left mid-cabin cover is ready for priming as it was fitted for the Andair selector.

More on my builder's site...