
I am a first time builder and have been lurking around this board for awhile reading as many threads as I can, looking at many builder sites to educated myself on this new project.

I welcome all to follow my blog and please let me know your comments, suggestions, and lessons learned as this project moves forward.

The blog address is below is below.
Michael,nice shop!two tips-throw away the spring of the c-frame(in my case it was the reason for at least two unwanted punched holes)and buy a pneumatic squeezer,it makes almost a fast build from a normal kit.I started building on july 21 and have finished the empenage and wings including flaps and ailerons(no fiberglass)and installed the landing gear towers on the floor panel today!
you will enjoy building in that great shop
Empennage Kit

Today marks the official beginning of my RV-8 build, as I placed my order with Vans for the empennage kit. Although I did not here anything from them, I will follow up with a call to them tomorrow.

The shop has come together and the practice projects are complete. Will be going to Sun N Fun in a few weeks to attend a few forums and workshops. The plan is to get started after returning home.
From the looks of your practice kits you are going to make a helluva nice airplane!

I was going to suggest getting involved in some of the metal workshops but it looks as though you won't benefit all that much. Perhaps you should get involved in one of the other workshops you are not so well versed in. Ie wiring, fiberglass, etc.

Congrats on picking a fine machine Michael! I am very much enjoying my build - and the journey! I hope you find your journey as enjoyable! :D
Year One Update

One year ago today, I began my journey of building my experimental airplane, a dream I have had for many years. My goal when starting this project was completing a kit per year. Year one and I almost made it, all that is left today is drilling the two control horn and bolting them together. The fiberglass tips will wait until later.

The wing kit has been ordered and was shipped last week, just waiting on them to arrive. Year two the goal once again is completing the wings within the year time frame. Sure have learned a lot the last 12 months and sure I will continue to learn as time progresses.*

To look at my construction Blog, select the link below. Always like hearing the feed back and really enjoy the reading forum of other that have gone before me.
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