airspace is a big deal over there for flight testing. hopefully, you can get a solution. we have it easy in the US.
Hi Mark,

I don't know how to post a video...yet.

Here's the link to the local news:

The RV8 departed from Hong Kong International Airport at 0615 local time, flew for 30 minutes, climbed to 5000?. She?s slightly right wing heavy, but otherwise very healthy. The aircraft landed and taxi back to the hanger for a quick check, then departed for her second flight at 0720L, this time with the presence of family, students and friends, for 15 minutes at 3000?.

Unfortunately, the government at this stage is not allowing us to fly again in Hong Kong airspace. We are seeking alternate locations in China or even US or Australia to complete her phase I, then begin our world tour, hopefully by summer of 2016.

Sunrise at 5000' above Hong Kong

Landing on 07L at VHHH

this project is the coolest thing since sliced bread, especially getting the kids involved with the build. congratulations and good job!

kenny cole
Cutting Edge

You are definitely on the cutting edge of opening China to General Aviation.

The book, "China Airborne," by James M. Fallows, provides an excellent perspective on the state of GA in China, albeit with a 2011 perspective. Even so, it may not have changed significantly since.

Regardless, Van's Aircraft will have a significant impact on the China market as GA makes inroads & discretionary income increases.

Would you have been allowed the same flight from Kai Tak?
Congratulations!!! And the name is very appropriate. Very inspirational!

Thank you for sharing.
Huge Congratulations! Those kids look so happy and proud.

I wonder why every high school in the US doesnt have a RV project in the works? ;)
The Aircraft Name Says It All


You sir, are a true frontiersman. I hope what you have accomplished is recognized in every corner of the world. You have helped a younger generation to look skyward and dream.


Dear all,

Thank you so so much for all the support from the VAF family, there is no way on earth that I can finish this project without the help from VAF. I met so many friends and aviators here, both online and in person. Special thanks to those who replied my post when I am stuck.

VAF not only served as a great platform for knowledge exchange, but a huge motivation driver to push me through rough time. Reading others first flight and successful completion of their project reminds me I am not alone, and one day I too would be posting my very own "First Flight" Report.

The local TV news channel documented the last 9 months of our build, it's all in Cantonese, but I believe any builder would not need the commentary to understand the pain and joy of homebuilding.

Part I (Construction, students, family)

Part II (Flight training with Mike Seager, Inspection, Taxi test and first flight)

Heartfelt thanks to you all,