
I bought myself an early Christmas present today. The sale of my PA-32-300 closed this morning and the money was wired into my account. I wasted no time in contacting Van's and ordered my RV-14A QB kit today. Now I'm anxiously waiting for my shipping date and kit to arrive so I can start working towards getting back into the air.
Merry Christmas, you will love the RV-14A. I've only got 43 hrs. on mine and I cannot fly it now due to a soft grass strip and it's bugging me. I do have bushwheels on the SuperCub but that does not help. Perhaps if my strip freezes I'll get a chance to fly this winter.
Thanks Ron! The only time I have in any RV is the demo ride in the 14 with Mitch Lock. I found the 14 to be one of the best handling aircraft I have flown. I thought I wanted a 14 before the demo flight and the demo flight removed all doubt. I put my airplane up for sale as soon as I got back home. Now that it has sold, I have the money to pursue my dream of building an RV-14.
Congratulations Todd! Welcome to the Van's Aircraft Family.

A great way to start a New Year!