I'd say this journey really started back last Christmas, when my good neighbor offered to take my wife and I up in an RV-10 to see Christmas lights. We had a great time at night, and he even let me take the stick a little while and keep it level. We flew around our house and other known close areas and had a great time.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago. My neighbor invites us again to a quick dinner jaunt to a city not too close. At the time, I didn't realize he intended us to fly there, but the hour plus automotive distance quickly passed up up in the sky in a mere fifteen minutes. We had a great adventure, and the late afternoon flight was just a part of it. But this was definitely the trigger to opening the little doors within me that I've kept closed ever since I was younger. It's too much and at this point, it just won't happen the voice inside my head had always. Why dream about it when it just won't happen? Much easier to just close those thoughts off and not think about them. But, our little jaunt had opened those doors WIDE open.... Why, I COULD make this happen. That could be ME!

Within a week, my neighbor had me up in the sky once again, this time in his own RV-7A. I think knowing that I was already on the hook, he not only let me 'steer' this time, but gave me good directions to climb and descend, and even some banking.


I later heard that I am not the first builder that has been encaptured by flights with my friend. Shocker.

Within a few more days, the decision to begin was made, and the tail kit ordered. A great deal of time and effort (and........ money) has been spent on preparation. Getting the single side of the garage cleaned up and organized. LONG put off projects to get that done made that a very arduous task. Tools found/ordered/bought (again... money). Workbenches created. Shelves erected. Did I mention it's 100+ degree weather in August? I can't wait for the weather to break, oy.

In the interim, we visit another buildier's RV-10 in the process. He kindly shows us techniques and lets me get hands-on experience. Priceless. THIS is what it's going to be like! Flash-back to being 8 years old, sitting on the floor with my favorite toy, an Erector Set......... What boy didn't LOVE that??

FINALLY, after chomping at the bit, kit arrived two days ago, and as predicted by others, it was like Christmas. Unwrapping and Unwrapping... Ooooh, what's THIS ???? Maybe it was more like a baby's first day at home, because you touch everything with reverence, and carefulness, keeping it as pristine as here and now. Save for some type of crate damage by the shipper (which resulted in damage to a rudder skin which I'm in the middle of having corrected by the shipper), everything was unwrapped and put away. My wonderful and tolerant AND excited wife was an excellent aide in helping to sort/package/label everything. My neighbor assisted in pulling the parts out, and helping to identify what parts were, and what would be needed soonest. I think it was almost as much fun for him as it was me. Finally, it is all put away. 12 hours of sleep over the last few nights. Okay, NOW what........ Sleep needed first.

The last day or two has been some final prep. Reading the book. Buying a few extra tools. Reading the book. Hmmm, more tools. Showing the parts off to family/friends. No, I'm not crazy, I'm really going to build an airplane. Reading the book. Dreaming about what / where we will take the plane. What design to make? When will I not be able to stand it any more and start taking flying lessons?? Did I mention I've been reading the book?

From what I can tell, I have everything in place and ready. At least to get started.

Tomorrow, the adventure begins.
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Congrats!! Welcome to the sickness/obsession. :):)

An Eagle Scout couldn't have made a tighter knot in my stomach during the week I wrestled with the decision to order my kit. So glad I took the plunge.
Welcome to VAF!

Leslie-------Finance Mgr--------love it:D

Welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D:D:D
That was a really fun builder introduction to read Andrew (and Leslie). Welcome to the best hobby and most wonderful people in the world.

Enduring the heat right there with you in Dallas,
Day 1 - Rusty and I got up to fly in his RV-7 to whet the flying appetite (as if it needed MORE prodding). A little cloud cover squelched that, we did take off but as soon as we got over the lake the radio antennas over at Cedar Hill were too dangerous to fly around. Especially to descend. So we turned around and went back to the Grand Prairie airport. Got an entire 15 minutes or so in the air at most.

After a rerouted land breakfast we headed back to the house to start The first few hours on the plane. First bird last images and use the die grinder to shape the rear spar caps into correct shape. Next we match drilled the spar caps and rear spar, followed up with deburring all the new holes. Leslie got her hands dirty doing a bit of everything except the die grinder.

Next step interrupted by work, but I have to earn more money for tools and the next kit !

Think we did a pretty decent job for day 1. All thanks to Rusty. Lordy knows how it all would be going without him. Thank you again !
Day 1 - Rusty and I got up to fly in his RV-7 to whet the flying appetite (as if it needed MORE prodding). A little cloud cover squelched that, we did take off but as soon as we got over the lake the radio antennas over at Cedar Hill were too dangerous to fly around. Especially to descend. So we turned around and went back to the Grand Prairie airport. Got an entire 15 minutes or so in the air at most.

After a rerouted land breakfast we headed back to the house to start The first few hours on the plane. First bird last images and use the die grinder to shape the rear spar caps into correct shape. Next we match drilled the spar caps and rear spar, followed up with deburring all the new holes. Leslie got her hands dirty doing a bit of everything except the die grinder.

Next step interrupted by work, but I have to earn more money for tools and the next kit !

Think we did a pretty decent job for day 1. All thanks to Rusty. Lordy knows how it all would be going without him. Thank you again !

Good start Andrew! You will have the longest VAF signature ever known to man by the time of your first flight! :D