
After dreaming and lurking around this site for around a year or so and convincing my girlfriend of seven years, Jane (pretty much my wife) that this was a good thing to do, we made the plunge. We picked up the empennage from Van's on December 11th and headed south with the tail-kit in tow!

A little about me:

I'm a 300 hour instrument and commercially rated pilot, avid beer brewer, and surfer. I have an electronics background from six years of submarine service in the Navy, plus years of construction experience.

A little about Jane:

She is a retired general surgeon with an amazingly big heart. Her passion is saving animals. She volunteers at our local animal shelter 3 days a week walking 10 dogs a half mile each! She also does a lot with Mercy For Animals charity as well.

Pilots 'n Paws is in our future, big time.

Our very fortunate situation:

We have a small farm that feeds us and two other families which includes chickens for eggs, turkeys for meat, goats for milk and cheese, and a big greenhouse for vegetables. We work a lot, just not for anybody else.

So, this is my new job. Eight hours a day, five days a week, in the shop with the plane. So darn lucky.

Thank you all in advance for the assistance I will surely need!!!!
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Welcome to VAF!

Aaron, welcome aboard the good ship VAF. :D

Good to have you ---- and Jane----here.
I'm a 300 hour instrument and commercially rated pilot, avid beer brewer, and surfer. I have an electronics background from six years of submarine service in the Navy, plus years of construction experience.

Welcome! Sounds like you've got what it takes.
And the adventures begins! Like having your first child, your life will never be the same! Enjoy it, step away when you need, sleep on "problems", you'll be surprised how many get solved in you sleep!
Hi Aaron,
I've not built an RV, but am lucky enough to hang out and fly with the talented RV builders in our area. Specifically, there's three very knowledgable builders in Fortuna and one in Eureka. There are a few more that don't frequent the airport quite so much, but are still around non the less.
The guys in Fortuna are pretty easy to meet up with because they are at the airport most every day.
Would love to help get you in touch with those guys if you want.

Jim Merryfield
Rv-10 in Trinidad

Hi Aaron,

I know that area well. Graduated HSU in engineering and worked for 20 years there before moving to the Seattle area. Now fly my RV7 into KEKA regularly. Have son and second home there. RV10 is an excellent choice. You have picked an excellent career. Treat it as a full time job and try to fly a bit on weekends. Find other builders and set up a good shop. Catch an RV ride when you can. Plan to work hard at an enjoyable task. Keep active on is site.

Hope advice is helpful.

Thank you!

Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome and great advice. Much appreciated. Jerry, thanks for the info about the other RVers in our area. Yes, I would like to meet them if you can PM me some contact info. I plan on attending the next Lost Coast Aviators EAA meeting in January.