
Well Known Member
I am not having any success attaching pictures to posts. All my digital shots transmit fine in emails. What gives? How can I make the picture files smaller in order to post them here?

Computers can be so humbling at times.........

Doug has not enabled that feature, yet. Maybe some of the members can enlighten us on how they posted their pics.
Picture Posting

Currently in order to 'post' a picture it must already be on a site that you can reference. Ok, in english...

You can't post any pictures that aren't already on a website somewhere. I use my own web site and then just referenece the url to the specific picture to 'post' it here.

This means that everyone's pictures aren't sucking up room on doug's hard drives. If you pay to have your site hosted then you also pay for storage room. The more pictures you have the larger your hard drive storage space requirements and hence the larger your monthly bill.

In terms of a graphic program you can use to reduce the size of the file, the size of the picture, etc there are two that leap to mind.

Try Ifran View. This is also a good picture viewer to use in general. The latest new graphics manipulation program comes from no other than Google. It's called Picasa 2. Both are free to use programs for now, though who knows where Picasa will lead to.
Space but

Yes images do take space, but one of the advantages of this new forum is it's capability to embed images in the thread. This is a tremendous advantage. Remember, we had the ability to post images in Yahoo, albeit a bit cumbersome to match up a particular image to a particular thread. I would hate to think that Doug is not going to turn on this feature.
You can post a picture if you have a site to host it from. To add the picture to your post, your text would need to be entered like the following example without spaces in between any characters:

and then would be shown as:


Also to size your photos down for viewing you can simply use Windows Paint and use the Image- stretch/skew function and reduce their size vertically and horizontally and then save.
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Let me sum it up a different way. Everything on the web has an address. For instance, this picture of my HS hanging from my ceiling "lives" at:


If you right click on the picture, and select properties you will see the address listed as:

When you post an address in the BBS it automatically hyperlinks (underlines it in blue and makes it "clickable" to go there and see what it is) it and if you click on it, it brings you to the object.

When you are making a post on the BBS, you can select the icon "insert image" icon with the mountains on it and paste the address in the dialogue box that subsequently pops up.

Preview the post and you should see it. If you like what you see, submit it.

Simple, pimple!

Use the site for uploads, as it is free and easy. That is what I do.

Hope this helps!

:) CJ
Update on picture posting.

Afternoon all!

Eventually I'll be hosting some sort of picture hosting appication on I'm still researching, but I'd expect this to be online sometime in the not too distant future.

In the mean time, as a few have said, look for the little yellow button as you are posting a message that looks like a mountain with a sun above it. It will prompt you for the URL of the picture you would like to reference.

I pay for bandwidth and space, so I'm wanting it to be the best solution before I enable it.
