How much do you think it would cost me to conver my Rv 6 from manual flaps to electric flaps and what Kinds of equipment do I need and how hard is it to do? Please help if you have answers thanks,


converting to electric flaps

How much do you think it would cost me to conver my Rv 6 from manual flaps to electric flaps and what Kinds of equipment do I need and how hard is it to do? Please help if you have answers thanks,

Making the change to electric flaps is a worthwhile project. My account of the conversion in my RV-6 is on this page (scroll about 1/3 down the page):

Here is the link to the page in Vans Accessory catalog with the flap conversion kits:

I liked the manual flaps, but I like the electric ones much better. ;)

Sam Buchanan
Electric Flap Changorver

I just did this converson on my 6A.... As far as the cost goes, I bought the whole nine yards from Van's including the pre-welded and powdercoated Flap Actuator Weldment and the very cool Flap Positioning System. (Total $725 + shipping)
The actual installation work was not the easiest project I've ever encountered! Of course working space in your plane is always a limiting factor and working in a hot (100?+) hangar didn't help either. One thing you'll find you probably have to do is replace the flap actuating rods as the ones on my manual system were way too short. I've opted for ones made out of 3/8" hex aluminum as they are way easier to tap than trying to hold Van's smooth round tubing in a vice not to mention they are much stronger!
As with all retro-fitting jobs, running wiring and just squeezing parts in and out of very close quarters lends to cut fingers not to mention sore knees and an aching back... the end result is worth it though.
Good Luck!
electric flaps

I converted my flaps to electric before my "6" was finished than add the Flap Positioning System when it became available. I have the standard panel layout with the channel holding the throttle and I mounted the flap acturator switch just below the throttle so I can apply or retract the flaps without having to remove my hand from the throttle. you'll love it.
Rv-6 721ET
In my opinion converting from manual flaps to electric flaps is a BIG mistake! The manual flap setup is far simpler, never fails, and allows the flaps to be yanked back up in a fraction of a second in order to get the RV6 planted without floating when landing on a very short airstrip. Every RV I've flown with electric flaps wasn't nearly as responsive in that regard. Personally, I just don't see what you are achieving by converting to electric flaps? The $750 could be used for something far more useful in the long run!!
Electric flap converson

Rocketboy in Florida has a Van's kit for sale to do this (last week anyway) for $250. A bargain if you are considering doing it. His name is Bob Gross and a google search will turn up his website.

Good luck!
Dave, RV6 in sunny dry Seattle :cool: