
Active Member
I am lay'n out my project for my RV10. I am fairly sure I am going to go 100% electrical system, with proper redundency of course. ;)

I recently read about someone using 1 magento & 1 spark plug in their engine. I seem to have lost the link, but its probably good I get some opinions on my ignition direction before I go to far.

Is this a good idea, it sounded good.

Kinda like a reserve parachute, what are the odds that I will have both electrical system fail completely. And if I did, would it really help to keep my engine running until I could land at an approriate airport without instruments?

Thanks in advance
Alot of people, including me, are flying with only one magneto, with the other side being electronic iginition, usually Light Speed or Jeff Rose. People have been doing this for years, I definitely think it's a good idea. However I'm not sure about your statement "I recently read about someone using 1 magento & 1 spark plug in their engine". Both systems use spark plugs. On mine, the left magneto runs the bottom plugs on each cyclinder, and the electronic ignition runs the top plugs on each cyclinder. BTW, checkout Emag/Pmag on their website. This looks promising and gives the best of both worlds.
