Well Known Member
In TW aircraft we are always trying to figure out (at night) how to illuminate the ground in front of us for taxi, and then have the light project out in front of us for take off & landing. There are several ways to attack this conundrum, this is just mine ...

When I built the Rocket (1993-2002) I thought about this, not wanting to dilute my lumens by having one light each directed for taxi & landing, so ... What I did was to mount the lights (in wing, not tips) on a hinged base attached to a MAC (now Ray-Allen) servo, with a switching function on the lighting panel in the cockpit. Now, for taxi - switch down, watching the beam for direction; and, for takeoff switch up to the end of the servo stroke. You never have to remember where you are in the cycle - the darkness will tell you.

YMMV - but this works for me.

I think some people here had a discussion about mounting such a device on one of the wing access panels, a while back.
I think some people here had a discussion about mounting such a device on one of the wing access panels, a while back.
Probably did - I am a bit slow on the uptake sometimes. Sorry if I am “plowing” old ground…