
I'm sure this has been covered before but I'm wondering how much it would cost (purchased new and fully installed) to put a second G3X or a G5 into a -9A? Along that line do people find a second G3X adds a lot to VFR flight, and would a back up G5 be enough?

Do you use something like Foreflight? The second G3X basically gives you the same features plus redundancy for AHRS. The G5 would be a much lower cost (and arguably better) solution to getting backup AHRS if that's all you really need.
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FYI, "G3X" is the name of the complete system, which is comprised from various components. One aircraft will only ever have one G3X system.

"GDU" is the display unit (screen), which I think is what you're asking about.
Thanks. There is a G3X already in there so that's a savings. I have fore flight and my original plan was to use that mounted in front of the right seat. Now, how much is an installed G5 going to cost?

Andy M
I get a lot of value out of having a MFD. My opinion is that an iPad and another screen in the G3X system are not the same, not even close. I find there is a benefit to having three different G3X 'screens' up at a time. I typically leave traffic on the MFD side while rotating through different functions on the right half of the PFD. Or running through my checklists on the right side of the PFD while having the EIS info full screen on the right. Also nice to let a competent or learning passenger manage comms and waypoints on the MFD. I understand that people like different things, if you haven't flown in something with a PFD and MFD it would be worth finding someone to go for a spin and see how it works for you.
I'm sure this has been covered before but I'm wondering how much it would cost (purchased new and fully installed) to put a second G3X or a G5 into a -9A? Along that line do people find a second G3X adds a lot to VFR flight, and would a back up G5 be enough?

A G3X system with two big screens is probably overkill for VFR. In fact, I have found that a backup G5, in addition to my PFD and iPad w/ Foreflight, is more than sufficient for instrument flight. That combo would certainly be more than enough for safe VFR flight.

And it's certainly it's a big improvement over my old steam-gauge Warrior! 🤣

HERESY ALERT: If I had it to do all over again, I think I'd skip the PFD entirely and just get two G5s, using one as an HSI, and also use Foreflight. A G5 with the backup battery is just a huge cost/benefit hero, crushing steam gauges in terms of reliability and performance at very low cost, while still giving you all the really crucial functions of a big-dollar PFD.

I strongly suspect the same is true of the equivalent gadgets from other manufacturers, but I've only used the G5.
I'm sure this has been covered before but I'm wondering how much it would cost (purchased new and fully installed) to put a second G3X or a G5 into a -9A? Along that line do people find a second G3X adds a lot to VFR flight, and would a back up G5 be enough?

I'm answering with the assumption that by "another G3x" you mean another screen (GDU).

What I'm doing in my Glasair is a single 10" horizontal GDU in front of the left seat and a iPad Mini in front of the right seat. I'll also have a G5 backup display, a single comm, a combination IFR GPS/xpndr, a remote audio panel, 2 axis autopilot, and Garmin's engine monitor box.

The plane will be IFR legal and capable. I won't mind flying approaches to minimums or flying long distances in the clouds, but I will avoid icing and convective activity like my life depends on it.

I went with a single Garmin display because I don't mind having the engine instruments along the side of the display in a small-ish format. I also don't mind having the maps across the panel on the iPad via Foreflight. The maps and capabilities even with this system and even looking across the panel FAR, FAR exceed the displays in the Airbus I fly for work! I'll have nav and ADSB redundancies via the iPad, Foreflight, and a Stratux ADSB receiver with its own AHRS and power supply. Realistically, mine will be flown single pilot 90% of the time and VMC 98% of the time. I think it's a good compromise between capability, complexity, and cost.

As for cost... man, this is a real tough one. I can tell you that I'll have between $30k and about $35k in parts alone for my Glasair. I checked with one of the well-known installers who's also a frequent contributor to this site and was told it'd be 6-9 months before he could get me in and the labor would be roughly the same cost as the equipment.

In your case, I'd say the cost of the labor would be somewhere between 50 to 100% the cost of whatever equipment you wanted to install. This is HIGHLY variable based on how the original equipment was installed and whether there's room in your panel to just cut some holes and install the new stuff. If you have to start moving existing stuff around and if the original installer did a terrible job, it could turn into a real disaster.

If you're of a mind to try doing it yourself, definitely stick with some of the sellers who are known to be supporters of Van's Airforce because you'll have questions. You might pay 3-5% more than the lowest price sellers, but the advice you'll receive will be worth far more than that. If you're looking to just drop it off and write a check, be sure to ask some questions to see if the shop really wants to work on an experimental. Some shops insist on doing things the same way as Piper did it in 1969, so they'll see something like a blade style fusebox and insist that you rip it out and install a buss bar and Klixon circuit breakers.

You can shop around to see what the various components are going for via online sellers. In general, a G5 will cost around $2000 by the time you get the connector kit, backup battery, mounting solution, etc. A 10" screen will be in the neighborhood of $5500 all in. An iPad mini is now around $800 and the Guardian flush mount is around $200. You can build a Stratux based on a Raspberry Pi mini computer with AHRS, ADSB and WAAS GPS for about $250.

Long post, but I hope this helps.

And here's a shot of my Glasair panel... just because it's so darned easy to attach pics with this new forum software!

A G3X system with two big screens is probably overkill for VFR. In fact, I have found that a backup G5, in addition to my PFD and iPad w/ Foreflight, is more than sufficient for instrument flight. That combo would certainly be more than enough for safe VFR flight.

And it's certainly it's a big improvement over my old steam-gauge Warrior! 🤣

HERESY ALERT: If I had it to do all over again, I think I'd skip the PFD entirely and just get two G5s, using one as an HSI, and also use Foreflight. A G5 with the backup battery is just a huge cost/benefit hero, crushing steam gauges in terms of reliability and performance at very low cost, while still giving you all the really crucial functions of a big-dollar PFD.

I strongly suspect the same is true of the equivalent gadgets from other manufacturers, but I've only used the G5.
We upgraded our 182 from steam to two G5's. It's an incredibly capable and affordable option.
Thanks for all the feedback. I do like the look of a fully decked out panel, but I also like to balance my budget. I'm leaning towards a G5 back up to the Garmin 10" screen.

Of course all of that is out the window if someone wants to unload a top of the line -9A at a low price:):):)
Thanks. There is a G3X already in there so that's a savings. I have fore flight and my original plan was to use that mounted in front of the right seat. Now, how much is an installed G5 going to cost?

Andy M
This is what I have in my 9A. I would prefer my ipad to be a mini but it works like this. I like the ipad with Foreflight running with taxi diagrams and airport info. As for cost, it depends on your elect system and how much work it will be to wire it all up. You can get the cost of the unit from ACS or Stein but you will have to talk with a local shop to find out the install cost. There is no way of knowing without looking at your panel.jpeg
I get a lot of value out of having a MFD. My opinion is that an iPad and another screen in the G3X system are not the same, not even close. I find there is a benefit to having three different G3X 'screens' up at a time. I typically leave traffic on the MFD side while rotating through different functions on the right half of the PFD. Or running through my checklists on the right side of the PFD while having the EIS info full screen on the right. Also nice to let a competent or learning passenger manage comms and waypoints on the MFD. I understand that people like different things, if you haven't flown in something with a PFD and MFD it would be worth finding someone to go for a spin and see how it works for you.
I find this too. I can effectively have up to 4 screens up at once across 2 side by side GDUs.
I very rarely refer to any portable device anymore other than music/phone.
Everything I need is at my fingertips and integrated.
Everyone’s preference and mission is different though.
Christ, doesn’t anyone look out the window anymore?😉😉
Yes, absolutely. If you are paying attention, nothing that I mentioned regarding the value of an MFD is exclusive to me looking out the window. In fact, it facilitates it. This 'not looking out the window' thing is a silly assumption commonly made by a particular demographic.
If you found a plane with an Advanced Flight System (AFS) setup built around their ACM (Adv.Cont.Module),adding a second display, or a backup unit like the G5 or AV30, GPS NavCom, or really anything else, is a simple as making a hole and plugging it in. That’s the beauty of the ACM.
Lucky we all get to build our planes how we want them without care to what others opinions are.

You bet. Opinions are always welcome and I expect to be in a variety of airplanes over time so I like seeing how people integrate mobile devices or even none at all.

But being critical of other pilots technique without knowing anything about them or even paying attention to what they say, isn't sharing an opinion. It's just trolling. Adds nothing to the discussion.