
Well Known Member
Hi, all,

It was brought to my attention by some family friends that this was posted today about scammers using rv10mans account. I am his daughter, and we have not posted anything for sale on this site. I figured out how to log into his account this morning and have changed his email and password as well as messaged admin about this issue. It seems a lot of his accounts are being hacked recently unfortunately.

I apologize if anyone has been scammed with my dad’s account, but he passed away September 17. See his obit: https://www.bffuneralhome.com/obituaries/Marshall-Alexander?obId=22396391#/obituaryInfo

Thank you,

This was buried in another thread, and I moved it to its own for folks (like me) who had missed the sad news of Marshall’s passing. We only interacted a few times, but every one of those events was like meeting an old friend. Years ago, he heard that Louise and I didn’t have a place to stay for a couple nights at OSH before the show started, and he dropped me a note saying that his fifth wheel was sitting empty at Sleepy Hollow those nights, and we sure better stay there than in a tent in the rain!

Great guy - I will always be sad that he is no longer on the planet….

Thank you Michela. How very kind of you to think of others at a time when you are missing your Dad.
Sorry to hear about Marshall, being local I spoke with him early on in my 10 build. He will be missed!
This was buried in another thread, and I moved it to its own for folks (like me) who had missed the sad news of Marshall’s passing. We only interacted a few times, but every one of those events was like meeting an old friend. Years ago, he heard that Louise and I didn’t have a place to stay for a couple nights at OSH before the show started, and he dropped me a note saying that his fifth wheel was sitting empty at Sleepy Hollow those nights, and we sure better stay there than in a tent in the rain!

Great guy - I will always be sad that he is no longer on the planet….


Paul, I remember this! What a great time!!

Also, thanks for moving the post as needed. I was shocked this morning when I got a message about what’s going on.

I believe I mentioned in another post, but also want to include it here… Mitchell Alexander, Marshall’s twin brother, passed about week after him. Obit here: https://www.johnirelandfuneralhome.com/obituary/Mitchell-Alexander. I don’t know if he was active in the group, and I don’t know what his username would be. He loved his 9a!

Paul, I remember this! What a great time!!

Also, thanks for moving the post as needed. I was shocked this morning when I got a message about what’s going on.

I believe I mentioned in another post, but also want to include it here… Mitchell Alexander, Marshall’s twin brother, passed about week after him. Obit here: https://www.johnirelandfuneralhome.com/obituary/Mitchell-Alexander. I don’t know if he was active in the group, and I don’t know what his username would be. He loved his 9a!


Michela I am so sorry to hear this! I met Marshall and Mitchell this summer at Oshkosh. They were kind enough to let me borrow a canopy cover for the entire week since I didn't have one in time. Both of these men were insanely nice and pleasant to talk to! Very sad to hear this.
Hi Michela,

I am amazed at the waves of sadness that I feel every time I think of your father and Mitchell... The acts of kindness that the other spoke of here seems so typical of what I would expect of them. To others that are reading this post I learned to know Marshall and Mitchell during the course of buying an RV10 empanage off of them. My wife and I spent a few short hours with them and learned to love them in that time. I was really hoping for the chance to get to know them better during the course of the build. They also volunteered to help us find a spot at Oshkosh this past year. When I saw that someone was using the RV10man handle as a scammer, I was amazed and jolted by the juxtaposition of the scammers evil against the cheerful good nature of both Marshal and Mitchell and i was saddened. Thats probably enough emotional blubber...I hope you and the family are doing well. I keep listening to the scanner for your voice on the Skywest flight into KSHD. 😏 Blessings, Ken