
Well Known Member
So I'm doing my condition inspection and I'm replacing my old cork
rocker cover gaskets that have a slight leak going. I get around to
the #2 cover and find stuck to the inside of the cover a little pin or
cyclinder that measures .260 in diameter by .410 tall! It's magnetic
and was pretty firmly stuck but I'm pretty 'concerned' to say the
least. 100+ hours since the last time that cover was off, the engine
has over 1000 hours on it.

First off I need to know is this actually part of my engine or did it
get stuck to my cover during my last condition inspection. Perhaps
when they (the FBO who shall remain nameless) cleaned the covers in
thier cleaning bath with other stuff...

If it is an part of my engine where the heck does it go and why the
heck did it fall out!

Anybody have any insight on this?

It sounds like a magnetic probe magnet that fell out of the probe. I had one of those and the dam magnet pulled out once in a while cause the end roll wore out allowing the magnet to slide out. Sounds about the right size.


Here are some pictures:




Spoke with a local expert and he tells me it is not a part of a Lycoming or anything that he recognized...

The probe idea is reasonable it's endured over 100hrs. Many of those hours were acro too!


PS Images hosted by Putfile
Hey Chuck,

It sure looks like the magnet in the probe I had. It is a very common tool and once the end wears off where it was peened over to hold the magnet in, the magnet can get loose. May very well have gotten on a part or tool and was washed off and found it's way into your rocker cover. Hopefully that is where it stayed and caused you no harm.

Wow! Last thing you expect to find there. This might be obvious, but have you shown it to the last guys that worked on it? Pretty good chance someone will recognize it and save you some worry. I think your thought that it got picked up in a solvent tank is the most likely thing. It's pretty hard to imagine that thing getting circulated through your motor all the way to the rocker box without bashing the crap out of something (and itself) along the way. I thing the magnet from some tool or perhaps from one of those magnetic drain plugs that lots of cars have is the most likely thing.

Once, while sweeping up after rebuilding and reinstalling my Bronco's transmission I found a part that looks almost exactly like what you have there. I was absolutely convinced that I accidentally left it out of one of the roller bearings inside the gearbox. After throwing a tantrum, I took the trans back out and completely tore it down again, only to find all was well inside. Later that day, I related the story to my girlfriend who said she had seen the same little part on the garage floor weeks earlier while I was giving her car an oil change. AAARGHGH!!!! I say you try real hard to identify that little guy before you get too excited. And be sure to let us know what you find out.

Steve Zicree