
Well Known Member
Hello everyone,

I found this website which is a HUGE database of ALL Lycoming engines. This takes a lot of the 'myth' out of the Lycoming engines, and the tons of model number designations.

I am a long way from "needing" and engine, but I am already studying up on everything, to say the least. Hopefully you will also find this info to be valuable, especially if you are as new to the Lycoming engine search as I am?

I printed out this list, and coupled with the info obtained from the Van's publications, I believe it will help me tremendously. Hopefully you also find it useful?


Take care,
Key Reprints

There is a publication I picked up at SunNFun this year called "Key Reprints". It is a compilation of maintenance and performance aticles from the Textron Lycoming "Flyer" newsletter. It is full of excellent info direct from the factory. Its kind of like the RV8tor compilation from Vans and a must for any engine owner. I recently bought a zero time O320 from Penn Yan Aero for my -9 so this book will be used a lot.
Only suggestion for getting the book I have is to contact Textron Lycoming. It is copywrited 1996.
I can't remember where I picked it up. While at SNF I just stuffed it in with all the other free stuff.
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