
Well Known Member
Greetings :D

In all of the various build sites, I see the jigs people have built (mainly out of particle board) which are used to vertically hold the empennage pieces while riveting on skins, etc.

Are there plans for this somewhere? My empennage kit has yet to arrive, and I am assuming there are plans for the jigs in with the emp. kit? If not, I would like to get a head start and go ahead and build them (in other words, I am bored, and need a current project!)

Thanks in advance!
They come in the empennage kit--at least for the 9--they are marked on 2 pieces of plywood with a magic marker--you just cut them out with a saw, attach them to a couple 2x4 feet and your done. No worries.

For the seven, you won't need a jig. I just finished the eight's stabs and built them all on the bench. Same with the rudder. A jig, or fixture, to hold the control surfaces in the vertical plane would be a nice thing to have. Cut some plywood into a rectangle, then cut a VEE shaped notch in it. If you have the plans you can measure the angles for the profile (side) view of the rudder or elevator and transfer the angle to the plywood vee. You want the leading edge to protrude from the two Vee shaped holders. You could brace the bottom of the plywood pieces and join them with a another piece of plywood so that the whole thing is stable on the floor or bench. This would be handy to use while riveting the leading edges of the control surfaces. If you are building your wings, you will use a jig. Others can advise you on this one, I'm getting the QB kit.

Cheers, Pete