

My recently purchased RV-9A recently went in for its 2yr pitot/static check and the shop reported that the p/s connections were damaged and a poor attempt at repair had been made since (see attatched photo). The shop has struck out sourcing any replacement parts. Any suggestions other than replacement? If replacement, then what (reasonable) options do I have other than the Bendix/King xCruze 100?


You can see if someone on this forum is willing to sell you a used TruTrac A/P head - which will probably become apparent pretty quickly based on this posting or bite the bullet and buy the xCruise unit. It’s basically the same as the TruTrac Vizion 385. I would avoid buying a used Digitrac II since those units often have their screen go dark after a few years.
Find a machinist that can fabricate a new block. Can be made out of aluminum. There's hose barbs on the back side with tubing that connects to the pressure sensors.
control head


The same thing happened to a Chapter 19 member on his RV-7A:
contact: techsupport@ bendixking.com to upgrade to the new control head.

The new head has an aluminum block and advanced functionality.

Replacement pitot static blocks can be purchased from Mid Continent. Ask for Bruce or Stephen. Stephen is the same gentleman that did a lot of support for us at TruTrak. Mid Continent does lots of support and service on the TruTrak lines.
Recently sent mine in for a cracked block. Got it back and good as new. That is basically the only part Mid Continent has left for these units. I bought a spare from them.
Can I buy the block and install myself or have it done by my local avionics shop? I'm in Canada and am not looking forward to having to ship across the border.

I had planned my avionics install very closely based on drawings, and when I got my GX pilot unit, was surprised to find that block on the back. It interfered with my canopy. I asked Trutrak if it was removable. They said yes. I sent the unit back and it came back to me with two flexible lines sticking out the back where the block used to be.

So maybe just open the unit, remove the block, and run flex lines out like they did for mine.