Tom Maxwell

Well Known Member
I also posted this in the Yahoo Superior group. Sorry for the crosspost, I thought I might get more coverage here.

Has anyone opted for the Superior XP-360 buyer build option offered in Coppell, Texas? I would like to learn as much as possible about the engine that may go into my plane. I am thinking there is no better way to learn than to build it from the crankshaft up.

I see where others thought that watching (for free) an engine built was very informative so I am thinking that building it myself has got to be even better.

Has anyone taken advantage of this option and if so would you please share your experience with us and whether or not you thought the experience was worth the additional cost?
This month EAA Sport Aviation XP-360 article.

Probably by now you may have seen this article about building the XP-360 in Sport Aviation.

I would also like to pursue this route. Seems like it would be a good idea for an EAA Sportair workshop as well. Need to challenge ECI to make a kit build option for the customer as well. Not that I have tried to get a ECI kit but right now the SL-360 (Superior) can be purchased should I decide to build. Sport Aviation hints about Superior doing a virtual/instructional engine build option rather than having to do it at the shop in Coppell, Texas. (kinda in Dallas...some would debate)

I've built car engines and would like to know the insides of my airplane's engine as well. Would be a rewarding experience....just like building the RV. :)
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Attaway Air/ America's Aircraft Engines. Customers Help Build

When we build an ECI engine for you at Attaway Air in Phoenix or at America's Aircraft Engines in Tulsa, you are more than welcome to come help do the assembly at no extra charge. Or we will sell you an engine kit to do it yourself.
Good Luck, Robbie
I too, thought it would be real cool to build the engine up at Superior. As I recall though, if I were to go there and attempt to take the engine home in the back of my truck I would be charged Texas sales tax on it. Also last I knew the test cell used for the initial runup was in Tulsa. Build it in Dallas and run it in Tulsa they said. Last I knew Superior was working on getting set up with the test cell in Dallas. Maybe that's fixed. Anyone know? Is the Coppell deal a different thing?