
Well Known Member
A friend just starting his RV-10 asked me this question. I'm posting it here, as an RV-9 builder, because I've seen the same thing in my kit. He was wondering 1) if the bowed doubler plates (~1/8" thick) should be straightened, 2) does it matter which way they are riveted to the spar (arch up or down), 3) will the residual stresses in the now straight doublers cause problems down the road. My answers to him were no, follow the plans in the case of non-symetrical parts, and probably not.

Good question that I wish I had the answer to as well. I'm just starting my emp. now and have noticed that pronounced bow. One further question I would ask... would this change/dictate which side of the spar/doubler the shop head of the rivet went on?

Ditto for me - I was unpacking / inventorying my -8 empennage kit last night and noticed the bow; I hadn't had a chance to look thru the instructions yet.
I'll be interested to hear opinions ... I clecoed it to the spar and it was easy to remove the bow with seemingly little stress on the spar.

My HS doublers bowed quite a bit too. I don't remember which way I riveted them, but by the time you get the spar built & the skin on-It Don't Matter. They will be straight.

7A Finish
Derrell is right. Don't worry about it. Once all those clecos and later rivets are in there it will be straight. You would probably cause more damage trying to straighten them first. Good luck.