
Well Known Member
Since I finally hung the engine (O-360-A1D), it's time to look for a starter... so I'm perusing the forums and reading the pros and cons of both SkyTec and B&C, but haven't heard of anyone using a starter from Air-Tec, the exp A/C and airboat outfit in Florida. It looks fairly promising, some older reports on the Matronics boards are mostly favorable. Has anyone bought or installed an Air-Tec lately? Any opinions? From what I can find about them, they're wound field, 9 lbs and only 250 bucks.

Other options;
B&C lightweight, $550. Ouch, no thanks.

Sky-Tec HT, $419 from ACS, wound field, 8.4 lbs. The HT or Flyweight at $365 are at the top of my list so far...

Magnaflite MZ-6222, $389 from ACS after a $200 core charge. Lightweight but still has that honking big Bendix housing on the front. Plus, I wouldn't be able to sell the old boat anchor starter on ebay, or keep it around as a spare...

What'cha think?

I went Sky-Tec


I don't know anything first-hand about the competition (except for the antique traditional Lycoming starter I had on my Grumman's original motor - definitely a boat anchor!), but I can tell you that I have been 100% happy with the Sky-Tech I had on that plane's second engine, and on the RV-8. I know Les Staples from Sky-Tech from my Grumman days - a good guy, very straightforward and knowledgable engineer, and trust his products.

My only experience with cut-rate starters is on personal watercraft, and all I can tell you is that after swimming home a few times with the jet-ski in tow, I went back to paying for better.... ;)

I started out with a modified automotive starter. After breaking a shaft away from home, I installed a Sky-Tec HT 12 years ago. Never regretted it. It's still working great.

Had a a Sky Tech when first introduced 12yrs ago. It was quite an improvement for my Cherokee. Had a problem using it on a cert. AC (not approved back then), but was able to get a field approval. Failed after a short time, and they were prompt in giving me a replacement, and improved.
Sold my Arrow with a Magna Flite. Excellent performance.
Bought an airboat starter for the RV10, identical to the lightweight starter Lycoming sells. New for under $250 from SC.
What ever you install, be sure the ring gear is in good condition.
AirTec Starter

I used an Airtec starter on my -6a for 3 1/2 years, with no problems. Engine was an 0-360 with 9:1 pistons. First blade was always slow, but spun fine after that. Only failed to start the plane a couple of times, both of which were due to battery problems. Biggest problem with the unit was it required a blister in the front of the cowl for clearance. If you don't mind the cowl bump, it's definitely an economical alternative to the high priced aviation units.
Good Luck!
Bill Waters
I like skytec myself, we have a NL on the C177 (Because of baffle fit), but I'd go with a HT if your making your baffles for the first time :).
We use the Sky Tec line of starters as the default on our Lycoming overhaul line as well as our Lycoming style TMX series of experimental engines. We have been satisfied with their reliability as well as the service they provide.
Good Luck,
"The opinions and information provided in this and all of my posts are hopefully helpful to you. Please use the information provided responsibly and at you own risk."
Sky Tech quality.

In my observation you can sum up Sky Tech starters and generators as this....Sky Tech starters and their good man Les Staples, is on the order of Grand Rapids technologies in inpeccaple service and quality, suppport and value.
Bumps in the cowl? Fiberglass work??? Nooooo!!!! No thanks.

See, that's what I get for poking around on the forums, getting my head filled with strange ideas... looks like I ought go with my original plan, a SkyTec.

Thanks for the responses,

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