Maybe a virus?

Looks like some cute little kid had invaded your drop box. Thought you'd want to know :D
Enjoyed the pics - I looked at every one of them. It gives me some idea what I'm up for, if I decide to build. Thanks for posting the pics.


Thanks for the pictures. I'm with you, it really helps to easily answer a few questions just by seeing a picture now and then!

One question for you and something I noticed during my panel rebuild.

On your Avionics bus picture you don't have one of those white rubber boots on the incoming power. I have one on my main fuse block, but I notice mine looks just like yours without one. This is a hot stud on the fuse block when the AV is powered up right?

I'm not criticizing, I just noticed on mine and figured I missed it or ran out of boots.

Thanks again
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Unique use of the Senior Pilot Wings, might be somewhat difficult removing bug debris from them though. Dan