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Garmin Database Subscription Question

Dad's RV-10

Well Known Member
My RV-7 G3X subscription just expired, so I'll need renew. For this past year, I did not purchase a database subscription for the GTN-650Xi.

My RV-10 is just about ready for first flight, so I'll need a subscription for that as well. It's got a GTN-750Xi.

Is there a purchase "bundling" strategy for multiple aircraft? Or are the subscriptions mutually exclusive?

Trying to sort through the various database packages make my brain hurt.
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With six airplanes and four different brands of EFIS’s (EFII?), our strategy is simple - we keep our Foreflight’s up-to-date and only update airplane databases once in awhile, or if IFR is required.

And we don’t talk about it much because it is hard to expect sympathy from anyone when you are keeping six airplanes flying…..
With six airplanes and four different brands of EFIS’s (EFII?), our strategy is simple - we keep our Foreflight’s up-to-date and only update airplane databases once in awhile, or if IFR is required.

And we don’t talk about it much because it is hard to expect sympathy from anyone when you are keeping six airplanes flying…..

I'm a PC/Android person. I chose Garmin Pilot over ForeFlight because Foreflight isn't available on Android devices. I already had a Samsung/Android tablet and didn't want to buy an iPad just so I could use Foreflight.

Now I'm looking at Jeppesen plates and it appears in Garmin Pilot, Jeppesen plates are only supported on Apple devices.

I think you have to have separate accounts for each plane as the unit’s system IDs are tied to a specific aircraft profile under your FlyGarmin account.
You might want to give Garmin support a call to get their recommendations. I recently did this and saved a couple hundred dollars based on their suggestions.