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Wing build considerations


Well Known Member
Just started working on my wings last week. Should I go ahead and order the pitot tube and associated tubing and wiring? As thing currently stand I think i am going to use Aveo Zip tips. Any advice how large a wiring hole I will need?

Anything else that I should consider?

Auto pilot in the right wing, if your going to install one. OAT probe wiring if your putting it in the wing.
I bought and installed the autopilot. I bought and mostly installed the pitot tube. As for the pitot, I did all the drilling and fitting but did not attach it. I felt that doing it at the end would reduce the chance of me breaking it off in transport. But I did install the heater and associated wiring.
Installing the pitot after the wing skin is on will give you some frustrating moments but can be done. Same for the AP servos. But, moving the wings around with the pitot sticking out will be trouble. If I were doing it again I would fit everything including the wiring and then remove the pitot to reinstall later.
I ran all my wiring conduits, installed the A/P servo and heated pitot during construction. I found it much easier to do with everything apart, or at least with easy access. I have left the pitot on the wing, and the wings have sat in their stands for about 3 years so I don’t know how much of a drama this becomes at fitment other than being careful.

Van’s website has a sketch of a method for drilling holes for snap bushings or wiring conduit along the main ribs. Many others on here run a conduit through the lightening holes attached to the ribs with a clip. I installed 1/2” conduit for Flyleds tip lights, pitot heater, A/P, and Dynon Thermocouple. There’s plenty of room for more wires to be pulled through if needed. FWIW, I used split corrugated tubing, which was a bit of a pain to pull through, but once installed & pro-sealed is nice and tight, but with access to wires if really needed.

Make sure you install the aileron bracket SB parts during construction - again they’re easy to install when there’s access. They should’ve come with the kit.
I too installed the roll servo, OAT probe, and heated/regulated pitot and mast while building the wings for my -9. I've read that these can be added after the wings have been built, but I wouldn't want to try that.

They've been stored for about 2 years in a wing stand, including a trip to and from the paint shop during that time. No incidents so far. I try to be extra careful around every part of the wings, not just the pitot.

Enjoy, Ken
does anything need to be done in installing those prior to assembly of the frame? or does it just need to be done before the final skin? I guess I have a bit of concern because I am going with the Garmin autopilot and am a bit worried about them putting out new hardware between now and when I get the plane done.
I worried about the obsolescence issue, too. In the end, I decided to roll the dice and install the Garmin servo and other Garmin bits and pieces that go into the wings (OAT, Pitot). It's a lot easier if done while the wings are still coming together.

My sense, which could be wrong, is that Garmin isn't likely to change those.

It seems to me that Garmin's efforts have been to incrementally add units that move the needle toward autoland capabilities, such as the safe glide that comes with their top of the line navigators and the GHA 15 announced a couple weeks ago.

Cheers, Ken
Yeah I would like to see autoland but unless someone comes up with a reasonably inexpensive way to do autothrottle on a Lycoming engine I am not seeing it.